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What is Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is an evidence-based therapy – using advanced methods of hypnosis and other psychotherapy techniques to treat a vast array of medical and psychological problems.

Hypnosis is a different state of consciousness which you can naturally enter at your own will, for therapeutic purposes, beneficial corrections may be given directly to your un-subconscious mind. In this way, hypnosis is an effective way of making contact with our inner (unconscious) self, which is both a reservoir of unrecognised potential and knowledge as well as being the unwitting source of many of our problems.

Hypnotherapy has evidence to treat a wide range of issues including; anxiety and stress, panic attacks, depression, trauma / ptsd, insomnia or sleep apnea, confidence and self-worth, weight loss or management, fears and phobias, smoking cessation plus other addictions and habits, and even physical conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and so much more!

woman in white crew-neck T-shirt holding her head

Contrary to some old beliefs – it is not just a stage performance used to mess with your mind and make you eat onions and prance around to entertain spectators! Clients are always aware of what is going on around them and are never forced to do something outside of their will.

Some Hypnotherapy clients have described it as a magic quick fix – but it’s so much more than that and it requires the client be committed to change and prepared to make the effort to make that change a reality. It is important to note that upwards of 85 per cent of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy.

In my profession, under the professional association of ICHP – every practising member is fully insured and trained to the highest international standards – with their main mission to help people to make changes in their lives.

Clinical hypnotherapy is highly time and cost effective – with patient’s benefits being achieved rapidly. In lots of cases it has proven to be the proven last resort where other interventions have not produced the desired outcome – but thankfully more recently it is being recognised as the go-to for most physical and psychological issues.

Within my practise, sessions are personalised to individual needs and beliefs for a comprehensive treatment plan of 1-5 weekly 30-minute relaxing trance experiences – depending on the severity and any underlying issues.

Please contact Monique for more info or to book a complimentary phone consultation or clinic time. Personalised self-hypnosis recordings can also be provided for remote clients.

Phone : 0416 066 310